The Impact club always has the vision to make an impact in society. Last Fall, they formed a jacket drive where they had people donating their jackets to the charity, and this Fall, they did something similar. Together with the Phi Beta Lambda Business and Leadership, The Bookaneer and the Associate Student Council, the clubs organized the Fall Food Drive in the campus. Food bins were located near the ASC office, the Bookaneer store and the Student services building. The event was held from November 1-28.
The main goal of this event is to encourage people to donate.
Aaliyah Lundberg, chair member of Impact Club and vice president of the Phi Beta Lambda says, “I think the event is not only for people donate now, but also for people to think about it.
One week of donation goes so far, like the amount of people that they’ve feed. It’s an awareness thing too. If you don’t donate now, you can al- ways donate later.”
And she’s not wrong. The event has received a huge amount of contribution, with numbers of students donating foods.
Li Ling Tan, one of the food donors, says, “I believe that that it is essential to donate because food is a necessity to survive. People should also donate during normal days and not just during festive seasons.” Li donated 12 cans of tuna.
Impact Club also did some unique approaches to spread the awareness. The club set up a stand where they handed out free hot chocolate to people while the club advertised the food drive event.
They also made hand-painted boards with a slogan “Be The Impact”, emphasizing the community to make influence as well.
Additionally, Lundberg also shares her thought about the poverty in Port Angeles. “The reason I advocate so hard to volunteer so that you can see that the poverty in this town is often circumstantial, and not just the individual.”
The foods that were donated to the food drive goes to the Port Angeles Food Bank, that will distribute the food to children and elderly that needs.
In the end, it is always nice to end the year with a heart-warming activity like the Fall Food Drive. Bringing people together to help and make impact to the society.