Review by Chris Urquia
Marvel Studios went above and beyond in the production of their latest superhero release.
Deadpool defies the status quo, and it abso-frigging-lutely shatters the “family-friendly” mindset of past superhero movies.
It brazenly defied everything we’ve been accustomed to thus far, and it was exactly what the world needed to see. It was vulgarly refreshing.
Ryan Reynolds stars as Wade Wilson, an ex-military-special-forces-operative-turned-mercenary, who’s seen his fair share of action but uses his skills to help the underdogs as well.
Later on, Wilson makes the acquaintance of a prostitute named Vanessa, and their relationship quickly turns from a sexual relationship to a romantic relationship.
Time passes, and Wade and Vanessa are still just as in love with the other, but a tragedy hits and forces Wade to walk away from Vanessa in hopes that his dilemma won’t destroy her along with himself.
Approached by a clandestine agency, Wade is offered the chance to be cured, completely which he eventually accepts. Say hello to Deadpool.
I could definitely go into greater detail on the content; however, it was made clear that anyone who spoiled the movie would answer to Deadpool and would be dealt without mercy.
A group of people, including myself, went and watched the film on Valentine’s Day, because it doesn’t get much classier than that.
Sierra Perdue, one of our party members, said, “I didn’t think it was going to be as vulgar as it was, and I didn’t think the jokes would be taken to the extent that they were. But I liked it…”
After the movie, I came back to Sierra for a follow up question, and her over thoughts of the film were, “I wouldn’t say that I was laughing hysterically throughout the movie, but there was a ‘hot’ minute where I just couldn’t stop.”