PORT ANGELES, WA. –Tidepools Magazine has celebrated creators coming together on the North Olympic Peninsula for almost sixty years, and it’s that time once again! We’re seeking submissions to the annual art, writing, and music contest for our 58th issue. We invite residents of all ages and skills living in Clallam and Jefferson counties to enter their original works for a chance to win cash, publication, and recognition. We welcome all genres of art, photography, poetry, prose, and music. Help promote the arts in our vibrant community by entering your recent work!
Peninsula College students can enter the contest for free this year, local youth pay $5 for each entry, and adults pay $7.50. Entry fees make it possible to award winners cash prizes, but for those interested in having their work considered for publication but prefer not to enter the contest, we accept non-contest entries at no cost.
The submission deadline is Sunday, January 16, 2022. Contest winners will be announced Friday, March 11, 2022. All contributors in this year’s issue are invited to share their work at the release party and awards ceremony set to take place in early June 2022 when the magazine is slated for publication.
Submit your creations today–we’re eager to see what you’ve been working on since last year.
Email questions about the contest or publication to Deirdre Frank at dfrank@pencol.edu.
To find more information, including contest guidelines, entry forms, and previous issues, please visit our website at www.tidepoolsmagazine.com.
About Tidepools Magazine
Tidepools Magazine, Peninsula College’s annual literary, art, and music magazine, has promoted North Olympic artists, photographers, writers, and musicians since 1964. Publication of Tidepools Magazine is made possible by support from the Peninsula College Associated Student Council, Peninsula Daily News, and The Buccaneer.