Story by Emily Matthiessen
Photos by J.L. H’ng
The Peninsula College Library remains closed to student traffic due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Samantha Hines, Library Director, the library will be open as soon there is a consensus on safely doing so. “We’re in talks with the rest of campus to figure out when that would be. I hope that we’ll have some limited services in January. We want to make sure to keep our students and ourselves safe most of all, but we know that students need access to computers and study spaces. We’re able to do a lot online, but not those two things.”
The library offers online assistance with reference questions at anytime, night or day via https://pencol.libguides.com/gethelp . Peninsula College librarians are available on Tuesdays from 11a.m. to 3p.m. and Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1p.m. At other times, questions are answered by “…English-speaking librarians from colleges and universities around the world,” Hines said. “We all take at least an hour a week to cover for reference questions around the globe. It’s really fun to see questions from outside of PC, but we love to help our students most of all.”
Books cannot be borrowed at this time, but the library is working on a system for curbside pick-up, Hines said, that she hopes will be available in winter quarter. Books that were borrowed last year can be returned at the book drop outside the library.
There will be an announcement when the system is up and running. https://pencol.libguides.com/c.php?g=713226.

by J.L. H’ng