Campus Voices:
Are you familiar with the warning signs of someone struggling with suicidal ideation?

Probably not as much as I should. I would personally look into more information if I thought one of my friends or someone I knew was in that state of mind. Then, I would seek out some tools and education to confirm and maybe to connect them. Maybe they don’t know themselves.

One of my friends came to me one day, saying he was at the point of wanting to actually commit suicide. I sat down with him and was there for him almost everyday for a month or two, supporting him. I think supporting people who are depressed and knowing those signs of depression is key. I was depressed and I’ve had many things happen in my own life, so I can tell when someone is depressed or feeling down.

I am absolutely aware, I had an incident that happened recently with my cousin. He posted some warning signs on Facebook regarding suicidal ideation. I expressed to him that he has a lot of family, and rather than posting on Facebook, he should reach out to family members or call the suicide hotline. I think the first clues are verbal. Phrases like, ‘I can’t live anymore,’ ‘I want to end it.’ Or that ‘they don’t know what else to do.’ These are red flags. I think people don’t reach out because they don’t want to be stigmatized as an individual that has depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.
If you know people who have been sexually harassed, have they
reported it? Why or why not?

I do know people that have reported sexual harassment. Not necessarily here on campus, but this actually happened in Argentina. It was someone in my friend group who was assaulted. I was at a club with my friends, and one was sexually harassed while dancing. My friend went to talk with a security guard, and they actually called the police.

Yes, I know of someone. They have not reported to the police or anyone other than myself. They felt uncomfortable, and they were afraid that word would get out. They thought that person would come back to get them or something of that nature. It was someone I knew back in California. Things eventually got cleared up, but it took time for things to progress.
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal ideation, call 1-800-273-8255 anytime
Professional therapists and resources, Peninsula Behavioral Health in Port Angeles
(360) 457-0431
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Advocate,
Healthy Families in Port Angeles
(360) 452-3811
On campus Mental Health Counseling Services, free short-term counseling during class times
(360) 417-6340
For more information or resources, go to the college site pencol.edu, CLICK SERVICES then CLICK PC