By Halle Nottage

Larissa Pingley, Brad Alemao, Ashley Rosser and Mike Roggenbuck in a scene of the argument.
The Little Theater is abrew with excitement as this quarter’s drama program prepares for its rendition of the “glamorous and glitzy comedy” Fashionistas. The show is directed by Pete Griffin, and put on by two acting classes and a theater tech class. It is on June 12 at 1 p.m., and on June 14-15 at 7 p.m.
The show is a modernized version of the Greek myth “The Echo and Narcissus,” which is about a man who is incredibly beautiful, but also incredibly

Mike Roggenbuck and Oche Amaris rehearsing a scene.
self obsessed, leading him to fall in love with himself while gazing into a pool.
“I don’t want to give away too much, but we’re trying to turn this comedy into a productive social statement, so it takes a jab at our obsession with social media in lots of forms,” explains Griffin. “We’ve basically taken the original pool of water, and taken that water service and turned that into screen service so he’s fascinated with his own image on social media.”