By Saki Kambe

Cole Murcavitch, Casandra White, and David Harvey playing Cornholes
Having been kicked off with Cornhole on Tuesday April 14, Backyard Olympics was held for the first time by ASC, Associated Student Council.
Participants only had an hour each day to escape from classroom drama and forget the school work; however, they made the most out of the olympics.
Continued with ladder toss on Wednesday and pingpong on Thursday, the olympics was wrapped up on Friday with Kan Jam.

A student dying a t-shirt

Sterling Penniston-John preparing hotdogs for students.
Tony Jiadong You from China and Dacid Lee Yeong Ming from Malaysia as team JAVA, got awarded a gold medal. Programmerz followed JAVA with a silver medal and Anatomy Rocks! won a bronze medal.
Spring Bash was held on April 15, also by ASC. It got a lot of turnout; enjoying tie dying Pirate Proud shirts, eating hot dogs and chips, listening to the performance from students such as guitar performance, and playing badminton.
Both inaugural Backyard Olympics and Spring Bash were refreshing for students that are working hard on mid-terms.