Story and photo by Saki Kambe
The snow also affected the Medical Assisting Info Session in the Allied Health & Early Childhood Education (K) building on Feb. 7.
“We were expecting more people to come in, but because of the snow, not many turned out. But it’s always nice to have people here, and let people know about the program that I took advantage of,” says Corenna Klimp, a program graduate who currently works as a CMA, Certified Management Accountant, at the Olympic Medical Center.
Staff offered a tour of the building, including labs, explaining which rooms are used for what purposes.
Courtney Kacouros, Medical Assisting Program employee, said, “rooms in this building are designed to be as close to clinics as possible. That way, students get to practice with reality, before moving on.

A presentation from a current student Nichole Napiontek, program graduate Corenna Klimp, Nurse Manager at North Olympic Healthcare Network Terri Hauff, and the program assistant Margaret Griset explained what it is like to be in a nursing program, what skills students would acquire through the degree, and how much money they would make after graduating.