Story by Saki Kambe
Rachel Pairsh, the Director of the Medical Assisting Program, said Peninsula College is adding another medical two-year degree program: MOA, Medical Office Assisting Program. Pairsh said, MOA is not tied to an accredited program, and it is stand-alone. It will have more flexibility compared to Medical Assisting Program. The program is a two-year degree with three quarters of Medical-assisting type classes.
“Let’s say we have someone who was vaguely interested in health care but didn’t really know for sure exactly which path they wanted to take, but they knew that they wanted to get into healthcare and get their foot into the door, this would be a great entry-level administrative position for those people. For those that know what they don’t want to do, but they’re really not sure what they do want to do, I think this would be a fantastic opportunity to earn an associate of applied science degree while you are also doing exploration in the healthcare career,” Pairsh said.
Pairsh also claimed, “We’ve already identified more than 15 jobs just here in Port Angeles, that the graduates of the MOA can fill. These are open, active positions right now, and those types of positions are going to continue to grow.”

sh hopes to open the application in Spring Quarter for inaugural students it is to have in fall.