By Natalie Reis

On the chilly afternoon of Oct 26, usual PUB activities were replaced by tables scattered with stencils, bowls, various carving tools, and most importantly, pumpkins. Skeletons donning torn pirate costumes guarded the event and upbeat pop music played in the background.
Students came and went, creating a variety of frightening pumpkin artworks from ghoulish faces to howling wolves. The rules were simple: students could come anytime between eight and four and decorate one pumpkin per student. At four, the pumpkins would be considered by three judges; one faculty member, one ASC student, and one regular student. The winners were then announced, with the first place winner receiving a $50 gift card to the campus bookstore and pub, and second and third place winners receiving $30 and $20 gift cards. The contest was hosted by the ASC and pumpkins were provided by Sunny Farms, a country food store in Sequim.
“It’s very hectic around this time of year, with so many events in a row,” said VP of Programming Paige O’Dell. She was most excited about the Halloween Dance, which would be decorated with the same student-carved pumpkins.
On the night of Oct 28, the ASC hosted their annual Halloween Dance.
The PUB was unrecognizable, decorated with flashing neon lights and strewn with tangling spider-infested webs. Dozens of costumed students filled the dance floor; bloodied bodies bounced up and down and scary spirits sung along to blasting pop music. Admission for the dance was 3 dollars for students and 5 dollars for guests.
The turnout was low this year compared to the last few, but students didn’t let it affect their night. “The atmosphere was great and everyone responded really well to the music and we had a lot of fun,” said ASC member Marvin Jhordi.