“They’re doing it to protest the treatment of African Americans by corrupt cops. The misunderstanding is that a lot of people think they’re protesting the flag and the anthem. Because it’s so easily misunderstood I don’t think it’s a good way of protesting. It’s disrespectful and crass. It’s their right to protest but I wish they’d do it differently.”

“Personally, I think the flag may be old… But we should still show respect. Americans who first fought for the flag aren’t here to receive our respect, so we should give that to the flag.”

“I don’t like the reason that some people are doing it; just because the president is insulting and condemning it. Though I do think that the president should stay out of sports and focus on politics.”

“I was a military brat growing up and both my parents support the protests. They put their lives on the line to give people the right to free speech. It’s a silent protest and they’re are just exercising their rights.”

“I think they’re protesting the disproportionate amount of people of color that have been killed by police. I think it’s plain to see that the police training in this country needs to be restructured so that lethal force isn’t used as often. I think the protests are comletely justified. They aren’t hurting anybody, they’re silently and respectfully raising awareness of this matter that oppresses millions of lives in this country.”

“I don’t think that the protests are disrespecting the flag. This is a peaceful protest against the rampant racism in America.”