By Ryan Fournier

Brianna Reeves, a second year PC student, is taking time for the arts this quarter. The 22 year old, with a number of accomplishments already under her belt, is currently enrolled in ceramics and photo journalism. Working with her hands and meeting new people are her favorite elements of school.
With muscular dystrophy, a condition causing degeneration of muscles over time, Reeves goes about her days in a wheelchair. Her condition has not stopped her from playing an active role in her school community. She participated in the senior class play, was a member of Top club, and was president of People First club. She was even a member of Sequim High School’s cheer squad.
The former club president now works at People First, assisting the new president with reading and writing.
After school she hopes to travel the world. When asked where in particular she’d like to travel, she answered, “everywhere.”