I don’t think it will be much of a benefit for some international students. Having a diverse culture helps the United States have more perspective, and putting limits on people from different countries could limit the perspectives we have as a people.

I’ve been so busy with school the past few weeks that I hadn’t heard of it. From my own perspective I’d be most concerned with the travel ban and how long it might last. I applied to an international school and I’d really like to be able to come home.

The Muslim religion is such a large part of our world. I think it’s ridiculous for us to take the extremist view on it because certain people from these countries were terrorists. In my opinion, some of the worsts terrorists we’ve seen have been white men. I think we’re going to have some of the same repercussions we had when we banned Chinese immigration in the 1800’s.

I think it’s definitely a bad idea. If the guy doesn’t mess up our country, I’ll stay here.

I think it’s a bit harsh because not all of these countries contain terrorists exclusively. I think instead of the ban, we could possibly strengthen our security by creating more checkpoints as opposed to an all out ban.