By Judah Breitbach
The search for a new men’s soccer coach to replace 2016 NWAC Coach of the Year, Cale Rodriguez, began almost as soon as he gave notice that he would be transitioning to University of California Irvine in January.
The college lost not only a championship level coach, but a physical education teacher as well.
During his two years at the helm of the proverbial pirate ship he garnered an NWAC championship title followed by a Conference Coach of the Year award.
“We started our search for a new head soccer coach on Feb. 1. Ideally that coach will also teach Physical Education courses as well as coaching,” said Athletic Director Rick Ross.
Just like the search for Rodriguez, the hunt to fill the new coach’s position will span the globe.
“We’ve already received applications from coaches all over the world for this position,” notes Ross, “for Rodriguez’s job we had seven different countries represented in the applications, so we’re hoping to get a diverse talent pool.”
The college is putting together a group to vet the applicants beginning the end of the month.
The committee formed to hire a new coach will convene “Feb. 23 or 24, hopefully, a day or two after the applications are due,” according to Ross, “hopefully, we’ll have a new coach named by mid-March.”
The committee consists of Vice President Jack Huls, as well as Ross and others yet to be selected.
The final decision rests with Huls however, Ross said that the committee will take into account the soccer player’s opinions after they meet the finalists for the coach’s position and discuss student athlete concerns.