“Absolutely, I would be concerned about a second Cold War. The sanctions serve a very strong purpose, and I wouldn’t lift them without some serious cooperation from Vladimir Putin.”

“Putin is not trustworthy, in my opinion. I would be very hesitant to make any trades with the Russians at all.”

“I have no faith that the President Elect will do anything that’s in the best intentions of the United States.”

“The decisions that the president has to make are very complicated, and someone who doesn’t pay any attention to advisers and who have had a lot of experience and know the implications of situations is dangerous.”

“I think I would be relatively concerned
because it’s a very complicated relation- ship we have with Russia, and it has been since the first Cold War. Something would have to be sorted out with connection to the U.N. With the hacking and everything that’s going on, I agree with the trade embargo. It’s an issue of Russia’s overreach that needs to be addressed.”

“If I were the President of the United States, I would keep trades with Russia down to a minimum and make certain we aren’t indebted to them, and I wouldn’t want to become too involved.”