By Forrest Maynock

There will be a free showing of “The Sea is a Restless Whore” for students on campus in the PUB on Dec. 2, at 1 pm.
Richard Stephens, one of the actors, went on to say, “In the lead up to the performance on Friday, Dec. 2, students will notice the set of the ship being loaded into the PUB.”
“The Sea is a Restless Whore” is Peninsula College’s fall production, and it will open in The Metta Room, 132 E. Front Street, in Port Angeles, on Wednesday Nov. 9, at 7:30 PM. The ticket price is $10 online through brownpapertickets.com, and $12 at the door. There will be three follow-up performances on Nov. 10, 16, and 17. All shows are scheduled to start at 7:30 PM.
Stephens said, “Students can expect to have a good time – there is a lot of fun silliness, with musical songs in a variety of genres ranging from operatic ballad, country hoe down, to arena heavy metal.”
Stephens went on to say, “The cast features a mix of current and former students as well as faculty instructor Mark Valentine in the colorful role of “Patch”, a career pirate with two hooks for hands, two peg legs, no eye (two eyepatches) and eyepatches on his ears as well – and yet he is still a fierce fighting sea dog with lethal abilities.”
The play promises to be a blend of “South Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” The play is about five pirates who each have a secret. The pirate’s secrets will be revealed through song. The play is a one act musical.
The music is by Gabe Dickinson, and the music director is Kristen Quigley Brye. The play was written by Brian Boone and is directed by Lara Starcevich, Professor of Drama and Speech at Peninsula College.