Sheila Fullingim,
“Yes, I am a very avid voter. I’m a democrat and I’m voting Hillary. It’s critical because of the Supreme Court, tht;s what’s at stake.”
Halaina Ferguson,
“I’m not registered. Even if I could vote, I probably ouldn’t. No to Trump and no to Hillary. Just no.”
Nathan Spears,
“I’m not registered and I can’t see myself voting for either.”
John Houk,
“I’m not voting and I’m not very happy with the candidates.”
Alicia Beck,
“Yes, I am a registered voter. I don’t know how to feel about this election, I‘m trying to abstain fom it. I’m going to be doing research on voting and politicians, but I’m done with Hillary and Trump.”
David Wegener,
“I’m a registered voter, but I feel like either way, we lose. We don’t have a candidate worthy of being our president. The more you see, the more you’re like, ‘are you kidding me?’”