A report of harassment was filed with the Port Angeles Police Department on April 19. Two peninsula College students were taking the College/Medical Center bus downtown to go to a stationary shop.
“She came to me and yelled for me to take off my hijab,” Peninsula College student Aisha Yasim said.
A hajib is a traditional head-dress item worn by Muslim women.
Yasim was accosted by a passenger on the bus.
“I took bus 20 to go to the stationary shop,” Yasim said. “When I got off the bus, this lady was shouting something so I turned back because I thought I forgot something on the bus.
“As I turned back she started asking if me or my family were terrorists.
“I replied politely, I said ‘no. I’m not.’ She said ‘get out of my country. This is America, it’s not your country.’ Then she saw that my friend was wearing a hijab and she chased after my friend. I was so scared.
“It happened right in front of the office at the Gateway Transit Center. People were standing around just watching. Nobody came to help.”
Officer Harold Balderson said, Since there was no actual threat of violence or assault, the incident is a civil matter. This is an example of one person being extremely rude to another.”
Civil harassment cases are not handled by police.
If you or anyone you know has experienced discrimination, you can contact Peninsula College campus security or the Port Angeles Police Department to file a report.