By The Buccaneer Staff
Michael Douglas Hendricksen Jr., a Level 3 sex offender, is enrolled at Peninsula College for spring quarter. Hendricksen is taking cybersecurity classes.
Hendricksen, 30, declined to comment.
According to King County Sexual Resource Center, Level 3 sex offenders pose a high risk to re-offend within the community at large. These individuals may have refused or failed to complete approved sex offender treatment programs.These offenders usually deny or minimize the crime. “In general, registered sex offenders are allowed to enroll in the same programs as any other student,” Jack Huls, Vice President of Student Services said. “Since each case is handled individually based upon the specifics of that case, there may be exceptions.”
Since Hendricksen’s crimes were not cybersecurity-related, he’s allowed to take those classes, Huls said.
“A registered sex offender that had been convicted of a cyber security related sex crime would not be permitted to enroll in the Cyber Security program.
“Similarly, a registered sex offender convicted of a sex crime involving a child would not be permitted to enroll in the Early Childhood Education program.
“Neither of these two situations have presented themselves at Peninsula College and as such have been nonissues,” Huls said.
I am Michael Hendricksen, and I say this article is bullshit. I have been out of prison a year now I just finished my STOP (sex offender treatment program), and was found just yesterday to not need drug and alcohol treatment either. I have not failed a single drug test since I have been out. I have not been arrested either. Almost all my court fines are paid. I currently hold an almost 2.9 cumulative GPA at Peninsula College, in the Cyber security program for my AAS and I am definitely not attracted to little girls, nor am I gay. For any women that wonder why I never approach, its cause I am scared to get involved with a woman I really like, then have to tell them this shit, that I am ashamed of and not proud of. I am a kind, loving, caring, person. Those of you that know me can attest to this. I also am not a convict, and don’t have a huge criminal wrap sheet. I have only the crime. I do not make any excuses for my actions when I was 21. I did indeed have sex with two 14 year old girls, the police reports will tell you I forced them and raped them, I will not say anything on that, because they say that sex offenders try to dumb down their crimes, so I will just say that what happened happened. I was drunk they were at the party along with others willingly, they did not have to be there nobody was forcing them to be at the party, and I made a horrible decision that day. I will never do anything so stupid in my life ever again. People will believe what they want to, I really could not give a shit one way or the other. All I can say is people do change. I have been working really hard, and also battling a lot of depression, mainly over meeting women, it sounds lame, but it is a real thing for me. I still have dreams of getting a good career going, and starting a family. Who wants to date a sex offender though right, oh because he is a creep or he molest little kids. Well that may be true for some, that is not true for me. These are the first things that jump to peoples minds, and understandably. People are so fast to feed into what the media tells them nowadays though its disgusting. There are a lot of child molesters and pedophiles out there that are really sick, I am not one of those people. People are so stuck on what the media tells them, they have forgotten what forgiveness is, and that people can change. I was 21 when this happened, I am now 30 years old, I am here to tell you I have changed a lot the proof is out there for those that are not blind or stupid! If I was out preying on little kids, I would not have the GPA I have now, and would not have the time to handle all the responsibilities I have. I have even had a Christian person or so he claims tell me he could not be my friend ever for what I did. Not really sure what kind of Christian he was lol! I enrolled in the cyber security program at peninsula college, to change my life and create a future for myself. I have a passion for computers, plus this field pays really good. Not everyone can do this stuff, cyber security takes someone that is intelligent, and dedicated. After doing eight hard years in prison and dealing will all the prison violence,and people trying to fight me all the time due to my crime and having to physically defend myself and dealing with emotional abuse as well, I would have to say I am doing pretty good. I do not care if people are pissed by my post, I have a right called the first amendment. I also have the right to not be discriminated against. I know my rights, so don’t mess with them. I also want to say that I apologize to the victims of my crime and the families and people affected by this. I have apologized before and I am doing it again. I am a person, I do feel and have empathy! I hope that the girls and the families of these girls are able to move on and are ok. As for me I am moving on as well and I am trying to leave my past behind, but when I catch word of an article printed by the college I attend, that so falsely portrays me as some kind of monster, after how much I have supported this school, and how much work I have put in, it makes me sad! So I am using my voice to to speak up against this. I also want to say thank you to the college administrators, and staff that know of me and my crime and have supported me and believed in me from the start. You know who you are I don’t need to name you, thank you! I will not let you down.
The Sequim Gazette article about your crime states that you had abducted the two girls, one fourteen and the other thirteen, took them to a park and then gave them drugs and alcohol. I will link the article so that people know you are blatantly lying. This Buccaneer article was right; you certainly are minimizing your crime. Rebuttal all you want, but as you so cleverly pointed out, both I and this newspaper are protected by the first amendment. ❤️
It seems funny you said I gave them drugs and alcohol, drugs and alcohol were provided, I did not force the drugs and alcohol down their throats. They willingly took them. As far as abducting them goes, I don’t even have a licence lol, never have. I was not the one driving the car that day, nor were the girls forced into the car. As far as what they called abduction, we just ask them if they wanted to go to a party down at railroad bridge park. I realize what I did that day was wrong I was 21 years old and very immature. The law is the law, whether or not I forced them to have sex with me or didn’t. I would be in the same boat with the same crime, because they were underage teenagers, but I am definitely not a predator, If I was then why have I been out a year and not re-offended? Why am I almost a 3.0 student? I don’t think a sexual as predator I would have time to manage all that I do. Wouldn’t they be out preying and raping? I have also taken 2 year of intensive sex offender treatment, and I have graduated from it. So what your saying is that your own government is a lie? and that the programs they provide are wasting tax payers dollars? Pretty much what I can see is that you are saying that the sex offender treatment programs are a waste of time, because they do not reform anyone. So your saying that people do not change. Well that is the most ignorant believe that you can have, because science has shown that people change all the time. Well, I have been out a year, and will continue to be out so people better get used to it. As I have said. You dont read and listen well. I will tell you why, because I am not as the article describes me, and we all know the media tells the truth right? HAHAHAHAHA! I am not saying that the whole Gazette article is bull, but we all know that the news gets fabricated everyday, to be made to put fear in the public. So you can link the article all you want, most people have already seen it. People still talk to me lol, I still have friends. Hell I even tell people when I meet them, and most are like oh!, and they say well that was your past so I don’t care, that is not who you are now. You can never gun me down, because I am smarter than you. So try your worst. Oh and as far as you saying I am a lair, better read my article and this one again. I never said I did not commit a sexual offense, because I indeed did. What I said was that you can’t always believe everything that you read in the media. The media is known for fabricating everything, or basing news from an article from only one perspective, and not taking all sides into account. Hell just turn on FOX news lol! Everything FOX new says is true! “snickers to self”. Anyway have a nice day, post your Sequim article so the world can see again. Next time you try to gun me down, make sure you do your research on a person, because others that read this crap will, what happened in my life happened, but if people ask about me now, they will see that I am indeed telling the truth about my college, and being treated, and being free of addiction, and following my DOC rules to the teeth, so why would I need to lie about anything else, when I have openly told you what actually happened. Your not making yourself look like a credible source for news.