By Britainy Gurr, additional reporting by Giovanni Roverso
Sydney Roberts, a Peninsula College student, has been selected by the All-Washington Academic Team as State’s most outstanding community college student, out of a group of eligible participants.
Over 1,900 students were nominated from more than 1,000 colleges.
When reviewing the students, judges consider everything from grades, extra-curricular activities, leadership skills and how they use their gifts outside of academia.
“The students who make up the All-Washington Team reflect the diversity of the state, maintain high standards of excellence, and contribute positively to the community. Their stories are often inspiring, sometimes surprising, and always reflective of the larger story of the state’s community and technical college students,” according to a South Puget Sound Community College press release.
“It’s her personality to be kind of humble, she just kind of smiled when I asked her if she knew about getting selected. Other students might just cartwheel across the floor,” said Rick Ross, Associate Dean of Athletics and Student Programs.

Originally from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Sydney is attending college as a Running Start student.
Sydney plans on attending either Duke or Rice Universities to pursue a degree in Biomedical Engineering.
Finding inspiration in the children she works with volunteering at the YMCA as an assistant art teacher and math tutor, Sydney intends to continue on to medical school, where she dreams of becoming a pediatric surgeon.
Her inspirations extend to her family as well as her fellow ASC members and reach even farther.
“I’m inspired by a lot of people,” explains Sydney. “Malala Yousafazi is one of my heroes. She is an activist fighting for women’s education. I really admire her bravery.”
The highest scoring students from each state receive the title of New Century Scholar, and a $2,000 scholarship provided by two foundations run by Coca-Cola.
They are presented at a recognition ceremony in Chicago, IL on April 12, at the American Association of Community Colleges Convention.
“Sydney is not only an outstanding scholar, but a true student leader,” Luke Robins, Peninsula College’s President said, in the press release.
“I’ve enjoyed working with her as ASC President this year and, as noted, her community service work is making a real difference for our college and our community,” he said.
“Sydney is the embodiment of what we mean when we say we’re ‘PC Proud,’ and we look forward to celebrating her success and bright future.”