Kayla Forshaw – PC student, 23
“No guns on campus. That’s putting a lot of trust in faculty. People are people. Everyone has issues.”
Darrion Daniels – PC student, 18
“Yes, I strongly agree. If somebody comes into a class- room, like at Umpqua, teach- ers protect them. They might be the only ones on campus with guns. So, why not let teachers have them.”
Amy Tichgelaer – PC nursing student, 37
“I think more access to mental health and less guns is the option I would choose.”
Omar Lo – PC student, 18
“I think definitely, as far as security, as well as teachers. I feel like most of the crime that happens inside the class- room, teachers are not armed, they’re not able to help us. So, if they’re licensed, I think they should be able to have weapons. Security the most.”
Dan Barber – PC student, 17
“Absolutely. No one is going to purposely go and kill people if other people are armed and protecting students. No one in their right mind is going to do that. No one’s going to attack a stronger force. It’s safer, it makes sense.”
Mathew Richards – PC student, 18
“I would be for arming teachers to protect students. In the case of the Umpqua shootings there’s really no one armed, so obviously the shooter had lots of time to hang around, do whatever he wanted. Having armed personnel on the grounds would give quicker response time.”