For 25 years as a dentist, I promoted the ingestion of fluoride pills or water fluoridation. Reviewing the evidence was like a knee in the gut:
A. Many are ingesting too much fluoride even without fluoridation of water.
B. For safety, the Food and Drug Administration says, “Do Not Swallow.” What about “Do Not Swallow” is so hard for the City of Port Angeles to understand?
C. For effectiveness the FDA says, the evidence is incomplete and fluoride is not approved to swallow.
D. There is not a single high quality study (prospective randomized controlled trial) reporting effectiveness of fluoride.
E. Reports of cost effectiveness are estimates and assumptions. Measured evidence does not find effectiveness.
F. Fluoride works topically, like sun tan lotion, not when swallowed.
G. 45 human studies and over 100 animal studies report lower IQ with fluoride doses similar to those received by many in Port Angeles. We cannot fix brains damaged by fluoride. What would you give for a few more IQ points?
H. Researchers use fluoride to cause cancer so they can test cancer treatments.
I. Some people are chemically sensitive and are at higher risks.
J. Mother’s milk usually contains no detectable fluoride and infants on mother’s milk average more than 7 IQ points higher. Never mix infant formula with Port Angeles water.
K. Stopping fluoridation does not increase dental caries.
For more details see www.fluoridealert.org.
Vote “NO” fluoridation. Tell your landlord, parents and friends to Vote “NO” fluoridation.
Bill Osmunson DDS, MPH
Bellevue, WA
This commentary is a classic example of the “Gish Gallop”…. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Gish_Gallop. Say many things, often a bulleted list often of half truths or false statements, so that supporters can’t possibly gain time or attention to refute them all.
Then there are mind game statements where he is trying to influence your subconscious to have a visceral reaction: For example: “Fluoride works topically, like sun tan lotion, not when swallowed”. Who thought about swallowing sunscreen? Most of us. And that really is an unpleasant image. Its like he’s attempting to plant a false way of thinking in your mind. If you are interested in learning more about what I’m getting at, check out Mindwars by Ian McFayden.
So, The real deal is that you have been drinking water with an optimal amount of fluoride to prevent cavities without causing health harm for over 10 years. Likely you will have fewer cavities as a group than your parents did and a greater chance to keep your teeth. And the kids that grew up with their teeth forming – your brother and sisters, while drinking fluoridated water will have even stronger teeth.