Dear Editor:
In response to the lengthy comment (“Campus Voices”) by Professor Dan Underwood in your April, 29th edition, while appreciating his thoughtful and well-articulated opinion, I must point out that his contention (as quoted by your editor) re. hydrogen cells and “a Hummer is actually better for the environment than a Prius” is a good example of the observation that “The Perfect can be the enemy of the Good”.
Yes, there are certainly better theoretical ways to operate a vehicle, but until hydrogen fuel cells actually are a reality for auto buyers, the hybrid is the “good” solution.
I shudder at the thought of tens of thousands of Hummers in the place of the hybrid cars of today…and tomorrow and until hydrogen cars are available. And, please, “a short, four-year life cycle”…that is a myth promoted by the oil industry or other hybrid-haters. Yes, I drive one, a 2007, original battery.
Thank you for your interest in the subject!
Dave Shargel