By Zak Hoskins
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee looked on as Peninsula College students Steve DeVoe and Morgan Carl received honors: The All Washington Academic Team Award.

Governor Inslee was a speaker at the ceremony this year. The March 26 ceremony was held at The Student Union Building at South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia. The program is a showcase for Washington’s 32 community and technical colleges. It honors academic high-achievers, men and women, who have demonstrated commitment to success in the classroom.
The President of the Associated Student Council, Steve DeVoe, commented about winning the award. “It was really just an honor to have Rick recommend me to apply. Out of 20 students from PC two were selected” DeVoe said. Rick Ross is the athletic and student programs director and ASC advisor.
Staff and faculty chose 20 students based on merit and grades. Out of this pool two were selected, DeVoe and Carl. “It was a reflection of how hard I have tried to work being a student at Peninsula College and my various jobs around the community. It was a great honor to be able to represent our school,” DeVoe said.
“We are blessed to have crossed paths with Steve last year. He’s been a tremendous asset to our leadership team, both last year a freshman representative and this year as Student Body President” Ross said. “He was a slam dunk for this award. He’s an outstanding student, an outstanding student leader, and an outstanding person who has fostered a positive and truly enjoyable productive leadership experience for the Associated Student Council,” Ross said about DeVoe as a student at Peninsula College.
DeVoe attributes his success to his involvement in school functions and activities around the community. The award came with a $250 scholarship, a certificate, a medal, and most importantly it looks good on a resume, DeVoe added.
For more information, see www.spscc.ctc.edu.