The following preview was provided by Michael C. MIlls, Department. of English, Tidepools Magazine Faculty Adviser.
The Tidepools class is made up of Media and English Students. The media students focus on design, posters, print layout, kindle layout, new logos, photography. The English students focus on editing, communication with submitters, and writing letters and press releases. All students participate in design pitches and concepts, and overall management and decision making. All students work to select art and writing for the magazine.
The printing of the magazine happens at The Printery in Port Townsend. I believe they do all the set up and printing, and they send them to a bindery then to us. Meanwhile the students burn and print 300 CDs with music and finish the packaging themselves (usually at a pizza party).
This year’s issue is ambitious in terms of design. The students went with a “box set” concept, designing and building a three-dimensional box with a cut out on the cover, and splitting the magazine into three pieces that will fit inside: a music CD, an art book, and a collection of stories and poems. This will make the central portion of the cover art interchangeable. This will also allow us to use smooth glossy paper for the art book and more textured, sensual paper for the creative writing.